Friday, May 4, 2012

I can't sleep...

I leave Botswana in less than 20 hours and I can't believe it.  I literally feel like I just stepped off the plane into this new place and having no clue where I was.  It is hard to think that I actually learned how to navigate the city in a combi, without a map, and on my own.

This has been one of the hardest and most rewarding experiences I have ever been able to do.  I have not only learned so much about the culture, but I have learned so much about myself.  I found out that I can handle so much more than I thought I had in me; I learned to hold my tongue in certain situations and to speak up in others; I learned how to live basically.  Although this was nothing like what I expected, I would never trade any of it.

As I lay here trying to fall asleep before the day before I fly away from this beautiful place, I can't stop my mind from reeling.  There are so many things I wish I would have done, things I wish I would have embraces, but I also think of all the amazing things I was able to see and do.  I can't believe I lived in Botswana for 4 months.  I obviously need to take a bit more time to decompress everything I have done here, but these are just my first-last thoughts.

Go siame Botswana.  You will be missed.