Friday, February 3, 2012

Cycling and sickness in Soweto

Last weekend my study abroad program went to Johannesburg (Joburg for short) and Soweto, South Africa.  I was so excited to get off campus and away from possible riots.  We left Friday morning and arrived in Joburg at the Origins Museum and took a quick tour.  This museum focused on the beginnings of humans, which they said began in Africa.  We watched some really interesting clips and saw some pretty cool things.

After the tour, we went to the lodge we were staying in for the weekend.  This place was so cool! It was very laid back and had reggae music playing.  We settled in, ate a delicious dinner, and stayed up for some bonding time (of course it included a couple beers and some good laughs).
The next day was the highlight of our trip!  We went on a bike tour of Soweto, home of Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu.  I was a little nervous because I have not ridden a bike in like 10 years and I had a pretty bad cold.  I went for it though, unfortunately at the first stop I felt faint and sick.  I refused to let this stop me from seeing things, so I chose to ride a tandem bike with one of our guides. It was great, we called it my limo!
My "driver's" name was Timothy.  He was really funny, and insisted on calling me Missy.  He sang like the entire ride and it was great!

We tried this beer that they drink there.  The boxes were really funny and apparently it can make your knees give out.  It tasted a little weird, but not too bad.  I didn't try much because I didn't want to make myself feel even more sick.

Our next stop was to try a Joburg delicacy, cow cheek.  It wasn't as bad as it sounds, but I prefer other parts of the cow over this.

We ended the tour four hours later and went back to the lodge.  From their we went to the Apartheid Museum.  I really wish I had more time in here because there was so much to see! It was a beautiful museum and it was really intense and just great.

We had another great dinner the next night, and then some of us girls did some crafting.  
We left the next day and made our way back to Botswana.  We attended all our classes this week and it was pretty low key.  This weekend I am going out on the town and I am going to try Ethiopian food! I am a little nervous, but hey how bad can it be!

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